
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Highbury Cemetery is NOT Calling It Quits...

So I decided to play a fast one yesterday for April Fools and it looks like I caught a few of my fellow bloggers off guard. Ha-HAA!! To let everyone know, we are NOT calling it quits, and no, you CAN NOT buy my props. Things at Highbury Cemetery are moving along at their normal pace (behind schedule!) with a lot of new pieces in production for Halloween, 2014. I ran my first makeup test for this year's MHC Masquerade Party and will be revealing the results very soon. Just have to finish up the back story and build one more costume prop and it will be ready to get down. And only two short months until the Midwest Haunters Convention! Ready to come party with us??

Stop back soon, as I have quite a few new posts to roll out in the coming weeks. And thanks again everyone for playing along with my April Fools joke. I don't always play a joke on April Fools - just kidding, I do!!


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