
Sunday, November 3, 2024

Highbury Cemetery, 2024

Year twenty one is now complete and another successful season for the Highbury Cemetery yard haunt is in the books! For once, the weather cooperated throughout the week leading up to trick-or-treat, allowing me ample time to set up, adjust, and perfect. Trick-or-treat itself, while down in total attendance a bit from last year (something I have noticed across the board??), went off without a hitch with perfect plumes of thick fog rolling across vibrant colors and shadows of a warm evening. All in all, 2024 turned out to be one of our better years.

So without further ado, I'll get to the good stuff... 

Ladies and gentlemonsters, boils and ghouls, I proudly present Highbury Cemetery, 2024. Enjoy!

When all was said and done, we ended up having 203 trick-or-treaters, parents, neighbors, and curious onlookers through the gates of Highbury Cemetery this year. A little bit lower than last year's total, but I'll still take it.

And before I end it, I can't go without giving a special thanks to everyone who helped put on the show this year. I couldn't do it without your help and your presence in just making the whole night a ton of fun. Special Highbury Cemetery thank you t-shirts go out to: Mrs. Highbury, Christian Highbury, Sharon, Karen, Laurie, Stacey and Vince, and Brother Scrapes. And an extra high five to the group of neighborhood kids who hung out around the yard and scared the other trick-or-treaters who came up. I think they all had a blast and I hope I'm sowing the spooky seeds for the next generation of haunters. Keep up the good work, kids!!

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So there you have it. Halloween, 2024 is done and dusted and the Cemetery is closed for another year. Twenty one years of home haunting and still going strong. The success of this year again has me motivated to start on next year's display. As always, a few improvements on existing ideas and a few new ideas to add to the mix...

Only 363 days until Halloween. Are you ready?



  1. Your haunt looks great. Love the trio of ghosts around the one headstone. Hopefully your wind damaged props can all be repaired relatively easily. 203 trick-or-treaters is not too shabby even for a lower count year! We were ecstatic that we got 142, which is a new record for our 15th Halloween in this neighborhood (119 last year was the old record). We think based on the age demographics and new homes going up in our development after an ~ 6 year hiatus that our counts should remain steady for the next several years. Back at our old house/town (1996 to 2009) we average around 55 trick-or-treaters, with one year having 82 which never repeated and was an anomaly, so when we moved into this house/town in 2010, we were pleasantly surprised to get ~ 70 on a cold sleet filled Halloween. Other than 2020 which was our record low year with only 53, but that was expected), we've been breaking 100 consistently for a while now.

  2. Impressive as always Highbury. The lighting and the fog are really adding to the ambiance. You attract an impressive number of trick or treaters. I think I got my standard 30!
