The great thing about Freebie Fridays is sharing something that I took a chance on, only to discover that it was something surprisingly amazing...
I'm not sure what it was about this cassette that caught my attention. A very bland orange label with a generic, uninspired font reading "Halloween Spook Sounds." No markings to differentiate the sides. The standard "Made In China" as the only other marking on the entire cassette. But somehow, this unassuming tape turned out to be a treasure...
Somehow I just new that behind that bland facade would be some classic Halloween audio gold. And I was not disappointed. There are no markings of identification, so I have no idea what year this was released. I'm guessing mid to late 80s or maybe even the 90s, based on the labels.
Regardless, the audio track is pretty amazing. Disturbing, demonic voices and truly creepy, echoing sound effects are overlaid on top of a constant, muted heart beat. The audio is repeated on both sides, so I only ripped the first (or maybe second, who knows...) side for your enjoyment.
For a cassette picked up on a whim, "Halloween Spook Sounds" turned out to be quite a haunting gem! Enjoy!!
W.J. Calvin, hold onto it if you still have it! A total classic!! (If you don't, you can find copies of it all over the interwebs!). I don't have it yet, but will probably break down a buy a copy soon. Stay tuned!!
Chad, I think this may be the same audio cassette as "Halloween Sounds of Horror," which I also have in my collection. I'm going back to double-check, but I'm pretty sure it's the same thing, just in a different label. The "Halloween Sounds of Horror" label has full color Halloween art, leading me to believe that it was a later (90s?) re-release...
A cold, weathered hand pierces the rust-laden earth of a late autumn night. Reanimated decay becomes the evening's guide. Masked faces bask in the fiery glow of a jack-o-lantern's illumination. A lifeless finger points the direction toward the next porch-lit house. For this is the night of ghouls and goblins and tricks and treats. This is the night of Hallowe'en...
I can't believe there's an old Halloween cassette out there I hadn't actually heard before - thanks so much for sharing this!
W.J. Calvin, hold onto it if you still have it! A total classic!! (If you don't, you can find copies of it all over the interwebs!). I don't have it yet, but will probably break down a buy a copy soon. Stay tuned!!
Chad, I think this may be the same audio cassette as "Halloween Sounds of Horror," which I also have in my collection. I'm going back to double-check, but I'm pretty sure it's the same thing, just in a different label. The "Halloween Sounds of Horror" label has full color Halloween art, leading me to believe that it was a later (90s?) re-release...
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