October 1st. It's finally here! Time for another Countdown To Halloween! I'd like to welcome any first-time visitors, and welcome back all the usuals! It's time to get this annual party started! October. Another 31 posts in 31 days. A huge celebration leading up to the grand high holiday of Halloween!
As in previous years, I always like to get October started by revealing this year's haunt logo. A little creativity to really get the juices flowing, and this year's logo is my best yet! I've been sitting patiently for over a week, waiting for the grand reveal. This year, I hope to use this on t-shirts, posters, stickers and who knows what else.
Ladies and gentlemonsters, boils and ghouls, I present the 2015 edition of the Highbury Cemetery yard haunt logo...
I'm really happy with the way this one turned out! Spooky and fun! And jeez, has it really been twelve years!?
And one quick update for today. I had surgery on my broken finger on Tuesday. A little bit more than I thought was going to happen, as I ended up getting three pins put into it. Ouch. So I'm now sitting here typing with one hand and the other hand has a huge splint and a mummy's worth of gauze wrapped around it. This will definitely hamper my productivity for the month, but I'll be sure to enlist the help of as many people as I can for set up on the big night.
All in all, it was a quick surgery and I'm feeling pretty good (thanks in part to a bottle of Vicodin!), but I'm going to end this one here for now so that I can get back to the couch and a Netflix queue full of horror movies.
Please be sure to stop back tomorrow, as I'll be celebrating the first Freebie Friday of the month with some sweet, free vintage haunt sounds! Happy October, everyone!!
A cold, weathered hand pierces the rust-laden earth of a late autumn night. Reanimated decay becomes the evening's guide. Masked faces bask in the fiery glow of a jack-o-lantern's illumination. A lifeless finger points the direction toward the next porch-lit house. For this is the night of ghouls and goblins and tricks and treats. This is the night of Hallowe'en...
Great logo, and I love your Latin phrase.
Happy October! Have a Happy Halloween!
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