A mysterious villain, the eponymous Crimson Ghost, is determined to steal a counter atomic device known as Cyclotrode X, which can short out any electrical device.
Here's a great one for classic sci-fi and crime serial fans as well as, oddly enough, fans of Glenn Danzig. The Crimson Ghost was a film serial released by Republic Pictures in 1946, about a villain who will stop at nothing to steal the Cyclotrode X, a device capable of stopping atomic missiles (how appropriate for the time!). In 1956, it was re-released as a six-episode series, and again in 1966 as a movie entitled Cyclotrode X. Fans of Glenn Danzig's first band, The Misfits, will recognize the Crimson Ghost as the iconic face used for the band's famous logo:
Enjoy episode 1: Atomic Peril (and thanks to jjsleighride for posting the episodes!):
A cold, weathered hand pierces the rust-laden earth of a late autumn night. Reanimated decay becomes the evening's guide. Masked faces bask in the fiery glow of a jack-o-lantern's illumination. A lifeless finger points the direction toward the next porch-lit house. For this is the night of ghouls and goblins and tricks and treats. This is the night of Hallowe'en...
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