My Neighborhood Halloween Sign Goes Up!

Neither long hours at work nor crabby wife nor even crying baby can deter me from my mission tonight! Two weeks until the big night means only one thing: the neighborhood sign proclaiming the official date and time of trick-or-treat must go up!

And because we are a traditional neighborhood, we keep up with tradition. Trick-or-treat is, as always, October 31st, from 6 to 8 pm (no matter how much City Council wants to further erode the holiday by assigning different days and times for different neighborhoods...3 to 6 pm? Really??).

This is the second year for my version of the official neighborhood sign, a job I took over after 2010's tepid effort. And a job I was more than willing to take on, for this is a project that I do not take lightly. I just hope that the sight of this sign tomorrow morning will excite the neighborhood kids as much as it excites me...

Two weeks to go and a full list still to get through. The clock is ticking!


Mark Faucett said...

Very nice! I think it's this kind of stuff that children will remember most into their later years. At least I hope so...

Jenn B said...


Anonymous said...

Love that sign! Good luck on the big night.

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