Arktau Eos - Unworeldes

I discovered Arktau Eos, the Finnish ritual/dark ambient project, a few years ago and immediately connected with their sound and visual presentation. 

New Halloween costume idea, anyone?

I have always believed that the greater dark ambient genre was a perfect match with the desolate fall season, and more directly, Halloween night. And I tended to seek out those projects whose dark, atmospheric sounds could translate to use in home or pro haunt settings.

One such release is Unworeldes, from 2012:

I have been listening to this one quite a bit lately (and still searching for a rare copy of this on vinyl - wink, wink). The dark and foreboding sound really puts me into the needed headspace as I work on everything leading up to Halloween night.

And as an added treat for your eyes, could you imagine attending this Arktau Eos live presentation? One part concert, one part dark performance art. Completely mesmerizing...


P.S. - Only 21 more days until the big night. Are you ready??



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