"Thriller/Chiller Sound Effects" Cassette

Time for the second round of Freebie Fridays for 2017, and we have a great one up for your listening pleasure!

Yes, I know this one has been posted from one end of the internets to the other, but it still has a cherished spot in my novelty Halloween record and cassette collection.

Thriller/Chiller Sound Effects was a Fun World novelty cassette that has been released, rereleased and then rereleased again. During the novelty cassette craze of the 80s and 90s, this one was everywhere. Mass-produced cheap Chinese plastic cassette, generic orange and black text labels and a rather bizarre, yet rather amazing soundtrack! This one hit all the targets to ensure its passage into Halloween legend.

Upon pressing play, we're somewhat confusingly dropped into some sort of Renaissance Faire in the forest with weird organ music, surrounded by the strange chirp of woodland creatures. 

It quickly takes a right turn into standard Halloween territory with a repeated scattering of screams and moans, thunder, wolf howls, breaking glass, various monster growls, rattling chains, a few vocal tracks, and most puzzling, a random rooster's call. 

And after a carousel of these repeated sounds, you think you have reached the end of the track, only to find yourself back at the Renaissance Faire! It's like the creators gathered up any sound effects that were remotely Halloween-themed, threw it all against the wall, and recorded the resulting mess.

But honestly, somehow it all works. The cheesiness and poor quality of this cassette is what makes it so darn endearing. This really is one of the classic novelty Halloween sound effect cassettes, and every time I hear it, I'm instantly filled with a warm nostalgia of the Halloweens of my youth. 

If, by some chance, you don't have this one yet, grab it. It really is a fun, nostalgic slice of Halloween!




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