Highbury Cemetery Begins...

It was a sunny day with temperatures reaching 75 degrees - which is somewhat unheard of in late October in Northern Ohio - but it made for a wonderfully productive day. I was able to pull everything for the yard haunt display out AND get a lot of it set up in the front yard. I was desperately behind schedule, but I took a big leap forward today.

I'm really happy with the brand new archway (featuring a repurposed, original Highbury sign from all the way back in about 2003!), the fencing, and the spread of tombstones and old, wooden crosses.

Tomorrow night, I'll run all of the extension cords and start laying out all of my lighting. I want to make sure that it's all set for Sunday night's big show.

By Friday, I'll have all of the jack-o-lanterns carved and placed throughout, the spirits will be roaming the grounds, and I hope to have one more little surprise pop up for the big night.

One week to go and the Halloween spirit is in full flow. Just what I need to power me through the list of things still to get to. Let's do this...



The October boy said...

Such a great and detailed haunt. I admire your energy. Cant wait to see the final "show"

Lady M said...

What an entrance - the cemetery looks so inviting and deliciously spooky. The kids must be wetting themselves in anticipation.

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