Day on Acheron (formerly known as LV-426) was dim twilight, night was darker than the farthest reaches of interstellar space, because not even stars shone through its dense atmosphere to soften the barren surface with twinkling light.
So this past weekend, we were returning from a family funeral and we ended up on a hilly, winding back country road, sort of out in the middle of nowhere in southeastern Ohio. As we continued to weave through the roads, we descended a short hill ending in a sweeping curve before heading up the next incline. As we rounded the curve, a building caught the corner of my eye. For some reason, I knew I had to stop and grab a few pictures of it. I turned around in the first driveway I could find and headed back. As I doubled back, the desolate, abandoned and decrepit structure came into view...
There weren't many structures as we drove through the wooded area, but this lone structure stood a mere 30 yards from the road. It caught my eye and immediately piqued my interest, due to its advanced decay. I parked in what remained of the driveway and jumped out of the car, ready to explore. It was obviously some original farmhouse from a bygone era, left to rot as the years continued by. A simple, two-story structure that immediately gave off a creepy vibe as I got closer. I started to take photos of the weathered exterior, amazed by the gnarled wood shingles, exposed framework, broken windows and tattered curtains.
As I peeked into one of the many broken windows, I saw even more damage and decay on the interior. Years of exposure had laid waste to the floors, ceilings and walls, leaving twisted and peeling surfaces in every room. As I continued around to the back, the exterior was even worse. At some point, brick-patterned tar paper shingle sheets had been tacked up across the entire rear wall, most of which had since fallen off.
And then I noticed the open door, welcoming me in...
I cautiously made my way towards the door, peering into the rotting interior. And then things got really weird.
As I stood at the doorway, I took this last photo of the interior. I looked around to see if it would have been safe to enter. And as I was about to cross through the doorway, a gust of wind blew across me and the house, resulting in the old red wooden door slowly closing on its own with a terrifying creaking sound, a foot from where I stood. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. A jolt of adrenaline shot through me as I stuttered back, giving off a nervous laugh. I called out to the house, saying, "Okay, I won't go in..." and quickly made my way around the house, back to my waiting family in the car. I'm not sure if I believe in the paranormal world, but something was maybe telling me not to go in. So I took it as a sign and we got the hell out of there. I've seen enough horror movies to know when it's time to go! Even now as I type this, the hair on my arms is starting to stand on end. Definitely an interesting experience that won't be soon forgotten...
Exactly six months from today, Michael returns to Haddonfield. The new teaser poster for Halloween was released today, showing an aged, one-eyed Michael Myers. The excitement is slowly starting to build at the Cemetery, an now the official countdown begins. I'm staying cautiously optimistic for this one and I'm really hoping this new "sequel after part 2" really nails it. More info at Bloody Disgusting.
Yes, I still love the band Ghost. News of a new single brought me back into the fold and I'm really excited about the announcement that their next record, Prequelle, will be released June 1st. The video for their first single, Rats, was released today. Featuring their next "new singer" Cardinal Copia, this one really makes me laugh. The choreographed dancing is pretty corny, but they really take it over the top and the song is very catchy. I absolutely love the feeling that they aren't taking it too seriously and having a ball, all the while giving the middle finger to all the "metal purists" who continue to scream about them not being metal. I love this band.
A killer dark drone track from Dronny Darko's newest release, Black Hive. From the Dronny Darko Bandcamp page: On this album Dronny Darko explores what lies beyond time where the lurkers roam. The black hive devours time left behind to fuel the future at the knot of time. An incredibly brooding album for lovers of dark drone.
A cold, weathered hand pierces the rust-laden earth of a late autumn night. Reanimated decay becomes the evening's guide. Masked faces bask in the fiery glow of a jack-o-lantern's illumination. A lifeless finger points the direction toward the next porch-lit house. For this is the night of ghouls and goblins and tricks and treats. This is the night of Hallowe'en...