I finally have something of substance started for this season's haunt build! I was going to keep it under wraps, but I'm REALLY excited with the start of it, so I decided to show a little sneak peek.
I intend to build two decayed scarecrow figures to flank my cemetery gate entrance this season, both engulfed by large bunches of cornstalks. As I have it roughly sketched out, the figures will be emaciated, decayed and grotesquely twisted...
But for now, I simply have the start of the first figure, a custom painted "Harvester" scarecrow latex prophead from our friends at Closed Casket Studios. I wanted to give it a more rotten look, so I did a quick black wash near the bottom edges, around the neck rope, and flowing down from the eyes and mouth. And if you look closely, I have also added streaks of white "bird doody" at the top of the head - something that will carry over to the torso as well - giving this figure a sense of vulnerability, anguish and disrespect.
I hope to reveal the first full figure, complete with horrific name and backstory, very soon. The adrenaline is flowing and the rest of the figure will develop quickly. But because they will be positioned at the front entrance to the haunt, I intent to put a painstaking detail into each figure. So here is the start...
A cold, weathered hand pierces the rust-laden earth of a late autumn night. Reanimated decay becomes the evening's guide. Masked faces bask in the fiery glow of a jack-o-lantern's illumination. A lifeless finger points the direction toward the next porch-lit house. For this is the night of ghouls and goblins and tricks and treats. This is the night of Hallowe'en...
Looks GREAT! love the oozing.
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