The Haunter's Hands...

No Cemetery Sundays post today. I took a wrong turn on this morning's bike ride and completely missed the cemetery I wanted to stop at. And then it started raining. So I decided to spend the rest of the day in the garage, working on the last of my projects for this year's haunt display.

When I finally took a break for dinner tonight, I looked down at my hands. Good grief, they look like a coal miner's hands...

Bandaids, black paint, blisters, cuts, callouses and filth. Achy and swollen to the point that my fingers look more like gross little sausages. 

Time to pop a couple of aspirin and call it a night. I have less than 2 weeks to get it all done and I still have so much left to do...


Lady M said...

Yikes - looks like you have been hard at it.

The October boy said...

definitely the hands of a haunter! Cant wait to see what those hands have been creating.

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