So here it is, the final day of 2021. And I thought this amazing print from Sam Heimer kinda sums it all up rather nicely!
But in all honesty, 2021 wasn't THAT bad of a year for Highbury Cemetery. Outside of a continuing pandemic (which has become our new normal), Halloween, 2021 was much improved over the previous year's meager showing.
Better display, better lighting, better turnout. And for that, I am pretty happy. This year's display sets the high mark to improve on for 2022 and I have quite a few ideas already banging around in the old noggin. I can't wait to dive back in!
But for now, I'm going to keep this one short and simply bid a fond farewell to 2021. And send out a huge thank you to EVERYONE who stopped by this old blog this year, especially to hang out during the annual October Countdown to Halloween. It was a blast as usual!
I hope wherever you find yourself, that the coming year is bigger, better, and badder for you. Let's kick 2021 to the curb and kick 2022 right in the ass.
Happy New Year, everyone!
(Oh, and only 304 days until Halloween. Are you ready?)