Bauhaus - "Stigmata Martyr"

Matt-suzaka over at Chuck Norris Ate My Baby had a hilarious post last week, revisiting the dance scene from the 80s horror classic, Night of the Demons. And while most people simply remember Linnea Quigley's un-be-lievable "hide the lipstick" scene, possessed Angela's sexy dance should also be remembered. (Alas, poor Stooge...)

A boombox, covered in awesome Fear and T.S.O.L. stickers, turns itself on and provides the soundtrack to her fireside dance. What I didn't remember from this scene was the actual track that was playing: Stigmata Martyr by Bauhaus. After watching the dance scene at CNAMB, I went back and revisited the track itself. A great, early goth classic that went back to the top of the Halloween playlist.

Be sure to go check out Possessed Angela's dance of seduction over at Chuck Norris Ate My Baby!! I can't wait to see what comes up next in his SlashDance series (how about Crispin Glover's spazz-dance scene from Friday the 13th Part III???).


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