The Phantom

While digging through some old things, I found an old art project that I had done back in my college days (which for anyone wondering was roughly 25 years ago... sheesh!). I have been a fan of classic horror for a LONG time and this piece proves it.

It was a linocut print done for one of my great Printmaking classes, and it features none other than the Man of a Thousand Faces, Lon Chaney, and his iconic portrayal of The Phantom of the Opera...

Now I will be the first to admit that the art itself isn't very good, but this was early in my college life and I was just learning my craft. But upon rediscovering it, I was immediately brought back to those truly crazy days and all of those memories gave me a warm fuzzy inside.

Here's to those early steps. The necessary steps upon which to build upon and continue to master your craft.

Go out and make something cool today.



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