2012 Highbury Cemetery Desktop Wallpaper

During the 2011 Countdown to Halloween, we had a lot of fun doing Freebie Fridays, in which we gave away a little something to all of our followers and visitors. So much fun in fact, that we decided to do it again for 2012. Every Friday during the month of October, we'll have a free gift for everyone who stops by. No new cars, European vacations or million dollar lottery rewards, but something fun to keep the spirits running high.

We're going to start this season off with a free desktop wallpaper based on the 2012 poster. Click the wallpaper below and grab a 1900x1200 jpg to adorn your desktop throughout the Halloween season!

Be sure to stop by next Friday to see what we have next! Your ears may thank you!

Only 26 more days until Halloween! Are you ready?



Anonymous said...

Hey Highbury! Gave your wallpaper a bump over at my blog, check it out!

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