I recently had a chance to catch up on some really great Halloween blogs, and this one really stopped me in my tracks.
I was perusing the great Petrichor & Pumpkins, and came upon a post featuring the death metal band, Blood Incantation. I was somewhat familiar with their sound, but I had completely missed their latest release Timewave Zero, and the hype it was receiving.
That's because after a string of successful death metal releases, they decided to drop this... a dark ambient side project album. And it's amazing!
I have listened to this a few times now, and I still can't believe it was released by a death metal band. They really know what they are doing, and this will certainly be going into my collection shortly.
Be sure to check out Petrichor & Pumpkins (and their great Bauhaus posts!), as well as a ton of other great Halloween blogs over at the Countdown To Halloween. We only have 12 days left for this mad black-and-orange October party!
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