Tröegs Brewing - Master Of Pumpkins Ale

Here we are at the last week of October, and I haven't done one single pumpkin beer review on the dreaded Drunken Jackos scale yet. Three full weeks gone by!

Truth be told, I have been battling a lingering head cold for the past couple of weeks, so an accurate review wouldn't have been possible. And I don't want to cheat any brewery out of a fair and accurate review! So after an unfortunate delay, it's finally time to dive in...

First up is
Troegs Brewing's Master of Pumpkins. Now I actually reviewed this limited seasonal pumpkin ale back in 2019, but it's a treat to find on the shelf, so I immediately grabbed a 4-pack for the fridge.

This year's beer came in a 4-pack of 16-ounce cans, as opposed to the corked big bottle from a few years prior. Upon cracking it open, the beer poured a nice rich copper hue with an earthy, nutty, and slight cinnamon-sweet note, all capped with a firm, foamy head.

On first taste, there was a slightly malty, dry, roasted nut spice flavor. But it was smooth and balanced, not at all overpowering.

As I continued to drink this beer, the flavors opened up a bit, releasing the dry maltiness and leaving a smoother, toasted nut flavor. 

It definitely sits on the opposite side of the pumpkin ale spectrum to the cinnamon-sweet, pumpkin pie-flavored ales. There's no real sweetness here, but it does have a really great earthy flavor, making this a perfect beer to drink on a chilly October night.

And because this beer really nails that "from the earth" nutflavor and remains very drinkable throughout, Troegs' Master of Pumpkins gets 4 out of 5 Drunken Jackos.

I highly recommend this one, especially as we head into the waning days of Autumn. It might not be easy to find on your local store shelf, but getting some would be a welcome October treat.



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